Hexagon Game

Play Hexagon

Play Hexagon vs the computer or with a friend.
Read below for instructions if you are not familiar with how to play Hexagon.

Hexagon is a board game played by two people. The board is made up of several small hexagonal boxes which are arranged in the shape of a rhombus. The aim of the game is to complete a line of one color from one edge to another.
The overall shape of the board can sometimes vary and even more so will the two colors used for both players' chips.

How to Play Hexagon

Each player has a number of pieces, all of the same color. They take it in turns to place a piece in a starting position on either side of the board or at the top or bottom. Each subsequent move must involve placing a new piece on the board so that it is on a hexagon that is touching at least one other of that player's pieces.

The player who creates a line of their own pieces from one edge to another is declared the winner and the game is complete.


The format of this game was popularized by the hit TV series Blockbusters where each hexagon had a letter of the alphabet on it. The same rules applied however a player could not simply claim a hexagon as their own. Instead, after a hexagon was selected a question was asked whose answer would begin with the letter found in that place.

If the player answered it correctly then they would win the position, if not it would remain open for the other opponent to take.

This format is perhaps the most well known and popular version of the game. It is often used in language learning classes and other subjects to help students to learn new words, ideas and other things.

Digital Versions

As Hexagon has increasingly been interpreted for computer play (whether it be online or simply on the desktop) the strict adherence to board styles, color schemes and number of players has fluctuated greatly.

When playing on a computer there are usually two options available. Firstly, playing against a computer program, or secondly, connecting to the internet and playing with an opponent somewhere else in the world. Where computer programs will often tend to move much quicker and allow a fast turn-around game, they can become quite predictable and not offer much challenge after a period of time. People on the other hand may take longer thinking about each move.

They may get distracted and drag out the time taken for each move too. This is the sacrifice that has to be accepted when playing with a real person but the upside of course is that moves will be a lot more unpredictable, they will also be learning your techniques as much as you are learning theirs.

This organic progress of two players against each other is very much at the core of strategy games and Hexagon is no different. Taking an approach such as this will yield the greatest pleasure and challenge from the game as well continually improving the strategic skills of each player.